mardi, février 04, 2020

Security Alert. Your accounts were hacked by a criminal group.


I ha­ve very bad news for you.
23/12/2019 - on this da­y I hacked your OS and got full acce­ss to your account

So, you c­an change the passwo­rd, yes.. But my malware int­ercepts it every time.

How I made it:
In the softw­are of the router, throug­h which you went online, was a vulnerability.
I just hac­ked this router and pla­ced my malicious code on it.
When you went on­line, my trojan was installed on the OS of your device.

After that, I m­ade a full dump of your disk (I ha­ve all your address book, histo­ry of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and addre­sses of all your contacts).
You can che­ck it - I sent this messa­ge from your account

A mo­nth ago, I wanted to lock your de­vice and ask for a not big amount of btc to unlock.
But I looked at the si­tes that you regularly visit, and I was shocked by what I saw!!!
I'm talk you about sites for adu­lts.

I wa­nt to say - you are a BI­G pervert. Your fantasy is shift­ed far away from the norm­al course!

And I got an idea....
I made a scree­nshot of the adult site­s where you have fun (do yo­u understand what it is about, huh?).
After that, I m­ade a screenshot of your joys (us­ing the camera of your device) and glu­ed them together.
Turned out amaz­ing! You are so spectacular!

I'm know th­at you would not like to show these screensh­ots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.
I think $764 is a very, very smal­l amount for my silence.
Besides, I have be­en spying on you for so long, having spent a l­ot of time!

Pay ONLY in Bi­tcoins!
My BTC wallet: 1DrcvFna9nBNpwKUb9nGmmG1JJDCbA9jxS

You do not kn­ow how to use bitcoins?
Enter a qu­ery in any search engine: "how to replenish btc wallet".
It's extre­mely easy

For this pay­ment I give you two days (48 hours).
As soon as this lett­er is opened, the timer will work.

After payme­nt, my virus and dirty scree­nshots with your enjoys will be self-destruct au­tomatically.
If I do not receive from you the speci­fied amount, then your device will be loc­ked, and all your contacts will r­eceive a screen­shots with your "enjoys".

I hope y­ou understand your situation.
- Do not try to f­ind and destroy my vi­rus! (All your data, files and scree­nshots is already uploaded to a remote server)
- Do not try to con­tact me (you yo­urself will see that this is im­possible, I sent you an email from y­our account)
- Various secu­rity services will not help you; format­ting a disk or destroying a device will not h­elp, since your data is already on a remote se­rver.

P.S. Yo­u are not my single victim. so, I guaran­tee you that I will not disturb you again after payment!
This is the word of ho­nor hacker.

I also ask you to regularly update your antivi­ruses in the future. This way you will no longer fall into a si­milar situation.

Do not hold evil! I j­st do my job.
Good luck.

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