mardi, octobre 23, 2018

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there anyway to fix/undo this? remember how they said we need like 100gb of space for the game yet the download was 60gb? i'm uming the usage on your drives when playing the game is supposed to happen. am i missing something here or have things somehow radically changed in the past few months? cos last i checked, every single game does this and it's freaking normal. problem is too many people are experiencing this and most of them had beta working fine, including me. look at how many comments there are only in this topic, it can't be freaking normal. this is completely normal. memory leak is a different issue on its own, as are hardware and driver issues. but to suggest that this game somehow corrupts ssd's is just asinine. lol dude seeing this and this video i recorded yesterday. the whole server was doingthis. my fps

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