vendredi, novembre 30, 2018

Scientific breakthrough to sleep thought the whole night I am very sorry for the confusion. Will these dates be ok for you. --Status--
Sleep Discovery Shocks Scientists
We all have trouble sleeping and staying asleep now and again. Today we explore a new discovery that will allow you to fall asleep on demand and stay asleep all night.

As we get older our sleep habits change making it more difficult to get a good nights rest. This discovery can let you fall asleep in under 5 minutes every time.

Not sleeping well night after night can make you sick and cause a lot more problems. Sleep thought the night and fall asleep with this scientific trick

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    The string is at least 6 characters, sorry I should have said that.user1226884Jun 29 at 12:44
  • Could you clarify your question a bit? You havereplacementVal = Regex.Replace(replacementVal, wildcard.Regex, wildcard.RegexReplaceBy);twice and as the line commented out. What are you referring to by these? Also, is it working withRegex.Replacecommented out andRegex.Matchworks? If so, do you want to useRegex.Replaceinstead ofRegex.Match?ivcubrJul 6 at 19:31
  • Sure, I'll try to clarify the question. The original code was using Regex.Replace which meant the regex ^(.).* worked to retrieve the first letter of the string but I couldn't get any regex to work that left me with the last 4 digits of a string, that was until I changed to using Regex.Match which then allowed (?s)[0-9]{4}$ to work.user1226884Jul 6 at 20:58

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